Whatever the size, the dimensions or the quantity of your goods, even if it is only a small parcel, for sending a parcel abroad Transpack is the right address. We see a demand for the transport of small parcels abroad. That is why we offer two options for cheap international shipments: Groupage Transport and If it Fits it Ships. With both options you share the costs of the transport, so you can send your parcel abroad cheaply.
With Groupage Transport you share the space in a sea container with other shipments. A shipment via a sea container namely pays for the entire sea container and not just for your items. In case of Groupage Transport you share the costs of the sea container and you only pay for your shipment. The sea container only sets sail when it is fully loaded. This can sometimes take a while, but sometimes it can also go fast. Transpack has all the insight and can advise you best about this.
If it Fits it Ships is filling a 0.5 cbm or 1 cbm box with your items which you want to send abroad cheaply. You can fill this 0,5 cbm or 1 cbm box with your items yourself at our warehouse in The Hague and you can pick it up at your new destination. This makes this option of cheap shipping abroad even more advantageous.
Would you like to know more about groupage transport or the option if it fits ships? Click here for more information. Or feel free to contact us for advice.